And hey, who knows? Fucking a few pokemon along the way could be fun. A few mere months stand between you and freedom. Rumors abound that some of these fights weren't always fair contests, but no proof has ever been leveled against her. Season after season, year after year, no one escapes Verda. She has had competitors try and a few come close to succeeding, only to be resoundingly defeated. Your mistress, a cruel and cunning gardevoir named Verda, has made it clear none will ever earn their freedom under her reign. You have been sold to one of the most infamous owners in interspecies battle history. However, your owner may be a bigger obstacle than any opponent. And all it takes is to be the champion of a single season. Pokemon earn a great deal of money for victory in the arena, but as a slave you only care about one thing. Sometimes pokemon vs pokemon, sometimes human vs human, but the most popular has always been interspecies.
A place where mating and combat collide to provide the highest paying source of entertainment for pokemon. While most humans are allowed to live comfortable lives or kept as pets, you on the otherhand, are a slave. And second, they have actually taken over the world, and you are an unfortunate victim of this fact. First, pokemon are more anthropomorphic than animal.